Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pray, Pray, Pray

Please pray for the Conference!

I am so excited about what God is doing in me as a result of really trying to work through issues biblically. Diagnosing what I am thinking and feeling, based on His Word instead of what I feel and think and my post modern, humanist left over world view is quite refreshing. It is black and white.. it is the sniper rifle (as Lou Priolo told me yesterday) instead of the shotgun. It does surgery in the heart and it changes behavior. The Living Word of God is precious and trustworthy.

I am being transformed by the renewing power of the Word. Wouldn't you like to be?

The law of the Lord is perfect.. restoring the soul.


Anonymous said...

Oh,you look so beautiful! I love you my sister. I'm always thinking of you. love, brandi (usmc)

Charlotte Cushman said...

thanks brandi.. we have had lots of people from GA here for the conference... if only we could get voddie so you would come! :) saw heather last night. love you char