Monday, May 12, 2008


This is an important issue. We cannot miss this with our children. We must teach them using Scripture WHY things are right and wrong. We must let the Word of God convict and rebuke.

Before they are old enough to understand, Scripture must be upon their hearts so that it can be the framework for their understanding in every way.

I am not talking about parroting verses. I am speaking to the issue of being able to relate every day occurrences to Scripture and show a child that God's Word is the authority on all subjects.

Yesterday it was raining when we got to church. My young friend got wet. After we were all in service and singing praise songs she informed me that I was taking her home to change. I calmly told her she was only thinking of herself while I drove her home.

On Friday night I had asked her to read Philippians because I wanted her to see about perseverance and joy in difficult circumstances. She read it two times on Saturday.

On the way back to church she told me all on her own that the entire time she was in her house changing she kept thinking about the verses in Philippians that she had read the day before. The verses that say to do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit. The Holy Spirit took the Living Words and reproved her and she got it.

He showed Himself to her in that moment. He showed Himself to me too.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

What a wonderful lesson to learn so young, and God's Word does not return void. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts to fill your children with the understanding of His Word!