Friday, June 20, 2008


In my quest to become organized.. I am making slow and steady progress. Thank you to all who are praying for us as we make this transition.

Bedtime is the hardest time. Mom sleeps well through the night, but getting down to bed is an agitating time for her (and us!). Please pray for the period between 7-9...

I get to go out tonight as Chris watches everyone while I go to dinner with friends.. including an out of town friend, Les. I am excited to be invited and included!


Anonymous said...

Hi Charlotte- I came to your blog via the CBCCA site as I am trying to figure out what we need to do for next year in homeschooling. I was wondering if you would be willing to talk with me about CBCCA? My email address is through yahoo and is kstrader11 I can give you my phone number via email if that is easiest!
Hope to hear from you-
Katie Strader

Charlotte Cushman said...

Katie - I have emailed you... so I hope it went through! Will be glad to talk to you.. char

Brandi said...

Just prayed, Char...will continue to do so. God bless you for caring for your Mom. I have a special place in my heart for those who, like you, accept this God-given responsibility. It is not easy. God's smile is upon you and your family, sister.