Thursday, June 5, 2008


Brooke had her adenoids out and tubes put in her ears today.

I am conscientiously trying to use God's words in every day circumstances... we talked about how the Bible tells us.. "When I am afraid I will trust in You."

Surgery went fine.. and now she is recovering nicely at home.

Live what you believe! char


Rebekah said...

Michael is having his adenoids out and tubes put in his ears next Thursday. I'll be following your example.

Anonymous said...

Well tell the baby girl, I mean big girl:) that if I was there Aunt Brandi would have a popcicle with her!

asnipofgoodness said...

Hope she feels better soon. Love and prayers for you Brooke!

Paige said...

kisses for Brookie!

Debs said...

love and hugs to all, especially Brooke.