Saturday, June 21, 2008

When I am home.

I see my children the way God does.

I love my husband.. because of who God has made him.. instead of for my expectations of him.

When I am wrong .. I confront myself and welcome and ask God to confront me with my sin. Because the longer I live with myself.. the more I see how I justify myself.

Home is a place of change. When I embrace all that it means to be here.

Thank you Lord.


Debs said...

Hey Char, jus dropping by to say hi and send you a great big hug.

Paige said...

Char, is it ever okay for us to not LIKE our husbands?
Still being kind, still LOVING, but not having the feeling of LIKE. That's what I'm wondering...

Charlotte Cushman said...

I am not sure what the proper definition of "like" is.

If it means to approve, prefer or choose.. I think yes, you have to like him.

If it is an emotion that is formed in response to an action of his, then you dislike the action.

So sometimes we don't like the things our husbands do, but we still should like them. If we don't then we are choosing not to like them. Not to approve of them. Not to prefer him. Then that would be a violation of Scripture don't you think?

Now if you are asking me if sometimes I don't like my husband .. then yes... I sometimes don't like him.. but I believe I am in sin at that point, so I have to repent and then make my sin right, regardless of what he has done.

love you... char

Paige said...

so again, separating the action from the person. Not liking the action or behaviour, and still liking the person. Goes back to what I was struggling with in my children, how I was relating to them and how they were relating to me and what I THOUGHT that meant.
Good thoughts, thanks for the sharpening.